Born in 1968, fascinated by travelling, as a teenager Arturo started to explore Europe by train. At an early stage he started to work as sport photographer for some newspapers but, after his degree, he decided to dedicate all himself in photos. For Arturo travelling is a continuos source of inspiration: art, architecture, food and everything interested for him. He usually also write texts of his articles. His photos and texts have been published on italian and international magazines: Abitare, Airone, Bell’Europa, Bell’Italia, Bravacasa, Capital, CasaDi, Conde’ Nast Traveller, Cosmopolitan, Det Gode Liv, D La Repubblica delle Donne, Dove, Elle Decor, Flair, Focus, Gente Viaggi, Gioia, Glamour, Grazia, Gulliver, Hommage, In Viaggio, I Viaggi del Sole, La Cucina Italiana, Latitudes, L’Uomo Vogue, Marie Claire, Maxim, Mediterraneo RAI 3, Qui Touring, Panorama Travel, Resorts, Riders, The Good Life Italia, Tu Style, Tuttoturismo, Vanity Fair, Viaggiando, Vie del Gusto, Vogue, Weekend & Viaggi
All the images on this site are Arturo Di Casola’s creative works and are protected by the italian and international copyright laws. Any dispute will be qualified to the judge of Firenze Court.